Learn more about rapid! PayCard and Doculivery.
Payroll Tools
Procedures For Reporting Fraud
- Cardholder Services (888)-727-4314, located on the back of the card.
- Cardholder Services will verify their identity by asking a few security questions. Once verified the cardholder can ask to file a dispute for the transaction they did not authorize.
- Cardholder Services will confirm with the cardholder recent transaction history that occurred before and after the transaction being disputed.
- Cardholder Service will then inform the cardholder of the dispute process, this includes:
Additional Information
**** Rapid! PayCard uses a Neural Network technology: It is the more technically advanced option utilized by rapid! PayCard. The Neural Network solution leverages a debit model scoring system from Fair Isaac Neural Network technology builds cardholder profiles and utilizes predictive models to detect potentially fraudulent card usage. These predictive models are used to determine the fraud potential of each ATM and POS transaction by evaluating it against cardholder usage patterns as well as unique transaction characteristics that are known to be fraudulent and legitimate. This process assists in the recognition of uncharacteristic transaction behavior. Transaction, industry, cardholder, and merchant data are all used to forecast the likelihood of fraud.
Rapid PayCards are also FDIC insured and backed by the Visa Zero Liability Policy. Their policy for reporting suspected fraud on a card is for the cardholder to call Cardholder Services, report the fraud and send in a dispute form to them. Once they have received the dispute form, they have up to 10 days to put stand-in funds back on the card. At that point they have up to 90 days to officially close the case (however, it is typically resolved much sooner).
What Is It?
How Do I Get My Form Online?
Can I Have My Form W-2 E-Mailed To Me?
No, Form W-2s will not be sent electronically. The form can only be accessed through your Doculivery user account.
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