Update Your Benefit Life Event
Life happens and sometimes you need to make a benefit change outside open enrollment.
Online Benefit Life Event Instructions
Step 1
Create a Benefit Life Event. Click here and login to the Team Member Homepage.
Step 2
From the Team Member Homepage, under the "My Profile" section of GHR, click on "My Life Events."
Step 3
Click on "Add Life Event" on the right hand side of the page.
Step 4
Use the magnifying glass to select the appropriate life event for your situation.
Step 5
Enter the date that you are wanting to add or remove coverage.
Step 6
Press "Submit."
Step 7
Once the life event has been added, check mark the life event that you added and click on "View Life Event" on the top right hand corner.
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Please make sure to review the section below to see what verification(s) and/or surcharges may be needed to finalize your Life Event.
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